Reported speech

Reported speech


Come si fa a riportare il discorso di un’altra persona in inglese?

Si usa il reported speech, che corrisponde al nostro discorso indiretto.

Per introdurre il reported speech  vengono utilizzati i verbi say, tell, ask. Ognuno viene usato in circostanze diverse. Ora mostrerò degli esempi in cui tali verbi vengono usati al presente, poiché il verbo della frase detta rimane invariato.



Si usa nei casi in cui la frase detta non è rivolta a nessuno in particolare

Tom: “i’m not coming tonight” → Tom says (that) he’s not coming tonight



Si usa nei casi in cui la frase detta è rivolta a qualcuno

Tom to me: “I’m not coming tonight” → Tom tells me (that) he’s not coming tonight



Si usa nei casi in cui si deve riportare una domanda

Domanda normale:

Tom: “Where are you from?” → Tom asks me where I am from

Nessuna alternativa:

Tom: “Are you going out tonight?” → Tom asks if we are going out tonight

Due alternative:

Tom: “Are you going out tonight or tomorrow?” → Tom asks whether we are going out tonight or tomorrow


Come accordare i tempi

Usati al presente → il verbo della frase detta rimane invariato


Usati al passato → tutto ciò che è present nella frase detta diventa past nel reported speech. Dunque present simple diventerà past simple, present perfect past perfect, present continuous past continuous.

Tom: “I live in Milan now” → Tom said he lived in Milan then.

Tom: “I’m reading this book” → Tom said he was reading that book.

Tom: “I’ve never been to Scotland with my parents” → Tom said he had never been to Scotland with his parents.


Tutto ciò che è past nella frase detta, diventa Past Perfect nel reported speech. Quindi past simple diventa past perfect, past continuous past perfect continuous.

Tom: “I met Laura on the beach” → Tom said he had met Laura on the beach.

Tom: “Why weren’t you studying?” → Tom asked me why I had not been studying.


Per quanto riguarda il future, esso diventa present conditional

Tom: “i will see you on Monday” → Tom said he would see me on Monday.


Invece l’imperative diventa infinitive.

Tom: “Do not lose my house keys” → Tom told me not to lose his house keys.



Past simple + past continuous,

Tom: “while i was shopping i saw Lucas” → Tom said while he was shopping he saw Lucas


Affermazione sempre vera:

Teacher: “Water boils at 100°” → The teacher said water boils at 100°


La situazione descritta non è ancora cambiata

Tom: “I’ve never been to the U.S.A” → (se tom al momento del reported speech non è ancora stato negli U.S.A.) → Tom said he has never been to the U.S.A.



  • Se trascorso poco tempo non variano
  • Se trascorso molto tempo variano (following, before, previous, that night)


Questo era il reported speech 😉
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