Lorenzo Consonni

Clipnotes - Appunti e videolezioni

War Poets

Who are the war poets? The war poets are a generation of poets who dealt with the first world war trying to describe its different aspects in very different ways. Themes Before the First World War started, people from England believed in the myth of “meliorism“, which consists in the belief of progress. When the war started, people started …

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Interior Monologue

What is the interior monologue? The interior monologue is the stylistic device used to translate the psychic phenomenon of the stream of consciousness in literature. The stream of consciousness itself is the free flow of thoughts which continuously happens in every person’s mind and the thoughts are displayed as if they bounced from past to …

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D. H. Lawrence

Themes and Characteristics From D.H. Lawrence’s point of view, progress is an element of corruption for humanity. He does not believe in democracy and equality either, since he is convinced that individual personality has to be of primary importance in society. This mentality probably derives from the fact that he is the son of a miner and …

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T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land

What is The Waste Land? The Waste Land is a poem written by Thomas Stern Eliot and published in 1922. It is known as one of the main examples of a modern poem and it is divided into 4 parts: The Burial of the dead = it deals with the changing of the seasons and the …

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Joyce: Dubliners

What is Dubliners? Dubliners is a novel written by James Joyce and published in 1914. It consists in an acute analysis of Dublin’s life through four sections and an epilogue, each one representing a different stage of life: Childhood Adolescence Maturity Public Life Epilogue Themes The tone used in the novel is pessimistic and depressing …

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What is Modernism? Modernism is an international movement of the 20th century which covers a wide variety of movements subversive to the romantic impulse of the previous centuries and disposed towards abstraction. Characteristics: Experimentation in order to reach sophistication, thought it also involves a tendency towardschaos. Technical display  (showing off, ex: mannerism) Internal skepticism  after all …

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Reported speech

  Come si fa a riportare il discorso di un’altra persona in inglese? Si usa il reported speech, che corrisponde al nostro discorso indiretto. Per introdurre il reported speech  vengono utilizzati i verbi say, tell, ask. Ognuno viene usato in circostanze diverse. Ora mostrerò degli esempi in cui tali verbi vengono usati al presente, poiché il …

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The Importance of Being Earnest

What is The Importance of Being Earnest? The Importance of Being Earnest is a play written by Oscar Wilde, the main author of the Aesthetic Movement. The play is a comedy, hence its plot is made up of an introduction, a complication, a crisis and an unknitting.   Humour Humour, the main element of a comedy, …

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